Our services.

Cosmic Living - 3 months programme 1 to 1

If you are ready to take charge of your destiny and embark on a journey of self discovery then I invite you to join me this private container where we are bringing together Yoga, Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology to create a routine that can help you get rid of patterns that are causing you tension and obstruction, and embrace a lifestyle created for your particular needs and circumstances, where you will be able to embrace freedom and letting go.

Running over the course of 3 months, you will have six 1 to 1 sessions with me where, together we will develop a routine and lifestyle aligned with your karmic momentum.

Birth Chart Consulations & Cosmic Counselling

Do you want to discover what was written in the sky at the moment of your birth?

I offer Natal Birth Chart Consultations where we will look at your karmic blue print and learn more about your trajectory in different areas of life, as well as looking at moments of opportunity and downfall. You can take all the information and remedial measures I will sugges,t and begin walking in the shoes of your karma. You can come back anytime for more specific questions and annual check ins through the Cosmic Counselling option. These sessions can be booked individually even if you don’t have a natal chart reading.

If you are struggling with the momentum in your life and you don’t know where you are heading, feeling lost and uninspired, then click below to find out how I can help.

Supreme Release Yoga - a therapeutic approach to Yoga

SRY is an approach to Yoga which is deeply healing and self revelatory.

SRY stands for Supreme Release Yoga but in Sanskrit Śrī is also a reference to the nurturing and abundant feminine divine. This is an accesible approach to yoga through it’s gentle manner of working with specific asana, supported by props, in aligning the body and creating angles which in turn help release the deep muscles along the spine, with a focus on decompressing the spine. These are places in our bodies which have been holding tension for a very long time and in the yogic view we store the effects of our experiences in the spinal muscles. Overtime and through repetition, these become deeply embedded patterns which can manifest as physical tension and experiencing pain in the body.

To find out more click below.